[클러스터] SGE 상태 표시 설명
qsub – submit a batch job to Grid Engine Enterprise Edition.
qsh – submit an interactive X-windows session to Grid Engine Enter-
prise Edition.
qlogin – submit an interactive login session to Grid Engine Enterprise
qrsh – submit an interactive rsh session to Grid Engine Enterprise
qalter – modify a pending batch job of Grid Engine Enterprise Edition.
qresub – submit a copy of an existing Grid Engine Enterprise Edition
By doing
qstat -f
one can obtain a job status listing on the running, queued jobs.
If your job status
the status of the job –
d(eletion), t(ransfering), r(unning),
R(estarted), s(uspended), S(uspended), T(hreshold), w
(aiting) or
The state E(rror) appears for pending jobs that couldn’t
be started due to job properties. The reason for the job
error is shown by the qalter(1) -j job_list option.
By doing
qstat -t
one can obtain job status listing on parallel jobs. it includes
o the parallel task ID (do not confuse parallel tasks with array job
o the status of the parallel task – one of r(unning), R(estarted),
s(uspended), S(uspended), T(hreshold), w(aiting), h(old), or
o the cpu, memory, and I/O usage (Grid Engine Enterprise Edition
o the exit status of the parallel task,
o and the failure code and message for the parallel task.
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