DSTAT 명령 주요 옵션 – 시스템 모니터링

dstat – versatile tool for generating system resource statistics

       -c, –cpu
              enable cpu stats (system, user, idle, wait, hardware interrupt, software

       -C 0,3,total
              include cpu0, cpu3 and total

       -d, –disk
              enable disk stats (read, write)

       -D total,hda
              include hda and total

       -g, –page
              enable page stats (page in, page out)

       -i, –int
              enable interrupt stats

       -I 5,10
              include interrupt 5 and 10

       -l, –load
              enable load average stats (1 min, 5 mins, 15mins)

       -m, –mem
              enable memory stats (used, buffers, cache, free)

       -n, –net
              enable network stats (receive, send)

       -N eth1,total
              include eth1 and total

       -p, –proc
              enable process stats (runnable, uninterruptible, new)

       -r, –io
              enable I/O request stats (read, write requests)

       -s, –swap
              enable swap stats (used, free)

       -S swap1,total
              include swap1 and total

       -t, –time
              enable time/date output

       -T, –epoch
              enable time counter (seconds since epoch)

       -y, –sys

              enable system stats (interrupts, context switches)

       –aio  enable aio stats (asynchronous I/O)

       –fs   enable filesystem stats (open files, inodes)

       –ipc  enable ipc stats (message queue, semaphores, shared memory)

       –lock enable file lock stats (posix, flock, read, write)

       –raw  enable raw stats (raw sockets)

              enable socket stats (total, tcp, udp, raw, ip-fragments)

       –tcp  enable tcp stats (listen, established, syn, time_wait, close)

       –udp  enable udp stats (listen, active)

       –unix enable unix stats (datagram, stream, listen, active)

       –vm   enable vm stats (hard pagefaults, soft pagefaults, allocated, free)

       –stat1 –stat2
              enable (external) plugins by plugin name, see PLUGINS for options

       Possible internal stats are
              aio, cpu, cpu24, disk, disk24, disk24old, epoch, fs, int, int24, io, ipc,
              load, lock, mem, net, page, page24, proc, raw, socket, swap, swapold, sys,
              tcp, time, udp, unix, vm

       –list list the internal and external plugin names

       -a, –all
              equals -cdngy (default)

       -f, –full
              expand -C, -D, -I, -N and -S discovery lists

       -v, –vmstat
              equals -pmgdsc -D total

       –bw, –blackonwhite
              change colors for white background terminal

              force float values on screen (mutual exclusive with –integer)

              force integer values on screen (mutual exclusive with –float)

              disable colors (implies –noupdate)

              disable repetitive headers

              disable intermediate updates when delay > 1

       –output file
              write CSV output to file

       Using dstat to relate disk-throughput with network-usage (eth0), total CPU-usage
       and system counters:

       dstat -dnyc -N eth0 -C total -f 5
       Checking dstat’s behaviour and the system impact of dstat:

       dstat -taf –debug
       Using the time plugin together with cpu, net, disk, system, load, proc and top_cpu

       dstat -tcndylp –top-cpu
       this is identical to

       dstat –time –cpu –net –disk –sys –load –proc –top-cpu
       Using dstat to relate cpu stats with interrupts per device:

       dstat -tcyif


       –nfs3 show NFS v3 client operations

              show extended NFS v3 client operations

              show NFS v3 server operations

              show extended NFS v3 server operations


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