COMSOL 설치 및 SGE 작업 제출 방법
COMSOL 4.3 설치
1. cdrompath/setup 명령어로 GUI를 띄우고
New COMSOL 4.3 Installation 을 클릭한다.
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2. 아래와 같이 라이선스 파일을 지정해주고 넥스트를 누른다.
– 라이선스 서버가 따로 존재할 시에는 License format 을 flexlm 으로 바꿔주고 라이선스 서버를 입력한다.
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3. 설치할 Platforms 을 선택한다.
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4. 설치할 모듈들을 선택하고 설치될 디렉토리를 선택한다.
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5. Matlab 이 설치되어 있는 ROOT 디렉토리를
선택한다. Matlab이 설치되어 있지 않으면 PASS
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6. Install 을 시작한다.
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Comsol 4.2a
Usage: comsol COMSOL targets: comsol comsol client comsol server comsol batch comsol compile comsol server matlab comsol convertpre35a comsol mpd COMSOL options: -h, -help -v, -version -32 -64 -np <number of -numasets <number of -mpmode <throughput/ -blas -blaspath <path> -ipv6 -ckl -prefsdir <path> -tmpdir <path> -autosave <{on}|off> -recoverydir <path> -3drend <{ogl}|sw> -forcegcc -forcecomsolgcc -clustersimple -nn <no. of nodes> -nnhost <no. of -mpiroot <path> -mpirsh <path to -mpi -mpipath <file> -scalapack <{auto}/mkl/ ScaLaPACK -scalapackpath <file> Comsol options: -open <filename> Example: comsol -open <filename> |
Comsol 4.2a 작업제출 스크립트
#!/bin/sh #$ -cwd #$ -N #$ -S /bin/sh #$ -v #$ -A comsol4 #$ -j y #$ -wd #$ -o #$ -V #$ -p -500 #$ -P prj_admin #$ -R y #$ -q #$ -v #$ -pe mpich_ef #$ -l comsol=0.04 cp $PE_HOSTFILE /engrid/ensh/usrbin/jobUpdater /engrid/ensh/bin/swrapper /APP/COMSOL43/bin/comsol /APP/COMSOL43/bin/comsol /APP/COMSOL43/bin/comsol /engrid/ensh/usrbin/jobUpdater |
Comsol 4.3
Usage: comsol COMSOL targets: comsol comsol client comsol server comsol batch comsol compile comsol server matlab comsol convertpre35a comsol hydra comsol mpd COMSOL options: -h, -help -v, -version Show -32 -64 -np <number of -numasets <number of -numafirst <numa -mpmode <throughput| -blas <{auto}|mkl|acml| BLAS library -blaspath <path> -ipv6 -ckl -prefsdir <path> -tmpdir <path> -autosave <{on}|off> -recoverydir <path> -3drend <{ogl}|sw> -forcegcc -forcecomsolgcc -clustersimple -nn <no. of nodes> -nnhost <no. of -f <path> -mpiroot <path> -mpibootstrap -mpibootstrapexec -mpienablex -mpd Use -mpirsh <path to -mpi -mpipath <file> -scalapack <{auto}|mkl| ScaLaPACK -scalapackpath <file> Comsol options: -open <filename> Example: comsol -open <filename> |
Comsol 4.3 작업제출 스크립트
#!/bin/sh #$ -cwd #$ -N #$ -S /bin/sh #$ -v #$ -A comsol4 #$ -j y #$ -wd #$ -o #$ -V #$ -p -500 #$ -P prj_admin #$ -R y #$ -q all.q@node001,all.q@node002,all.q@nodemaster01, #$ -v #$ -pe mpich_ef #$ -l comsol=0.04 cp $PE_HOSTFILE /engrid/ensh/usrbin/jobUpdater /engrid/ensh/bin/swrapper /APP/COMSOL43/bin/comsol /APP/COMSOL43/bin/comsol /APP/COMSOL43/bin/comsol /engrid/ensh/usrbin/jobUpdater |