[가상화] virt-install 예제

Example 40–1 Solaris PV Guest

virt-install -n solarisPV –paravirt -r 1024 \\

  –nographics -f /export/solarisPV/root.img -s 16 \\

  -l /ws/xvm-gate/public/isos/72-0910/solarisdvd.iso



Example 40–2 Solaris HVM Guest

virt-install -n solarisHVM –hvm -r 1024 –vnc \\

  -f /export/solarisHVM/root.img -s 16 \\

  -c /ws/xvm-gate/public/isos/72-0910/solarisdvd.iso

For this version of virt-install, only installs from ISOs and physical CDs are supported for HVM. Network installations are not supported in this version. If a physical CD is used, remember to unmount it after use.



Example 40–3 Windows HVM Guest

# virt-install -n winxp –hvm -r 1024 –vnc \\

  -f /export/winxp/root.img -s 16 -c /windows/media.iso

For this version of virt-install, only installs from ISOs and physical CDs are supported for HVM. Network installations are not supported in this version. If a physical CD is used, remember to unmount it after use.



Example 40–4 Install Microsoft Windows Using a Local File as a Root Disk

A normal file is used to store the contents of the guest domain disk image, as opposed to using a ZFS volume, for example.

virt-install –name windows1 –ram 1024 \\

–cdrom /en_winxp_pro_with_sp2.iso –file /guests/windows1-disk

–file-size 10 –vnc




Example 40–5 Install Solaris Using Network Install and JumpStart onto a ZFS Volume

zfs create -V 8G pool/solaris1-disk

virt-install –name solaris1 –ram 1024 –nographics \\

–file /dev/zvol/dsk/pool/solaris1-disk \\

–location nfs:install.domain.com:/export/solaris/nv75 \\

–autocf nfs:install.domain.com:/export/jumpstart/solaris1


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