HP Remote Graphics Software Troubleshooting

HP Remote Graphics Software Troubleshooting

Potential RGS issues and troubleshooting suggestions

Can not connect to the RGS Sender.
Verify that the pre-connection checklist is satisfied as
described in Chapter 4 of HP Remote Graphics Software User Guide 5.4.0.
A connection is established but it appears to time
Check the Network Timeout Section of HP Remote Graphics
Software User Guide 5.4.0.
Graphics performance appears slow.
Check Optimizing RGS performance section of HP Remote
Graphics Software User Guide 5.4.0.
Remote USB does not work.
Verify that USB has been correctly configured during
Receiver installation on Windows XP.


RGS error messages

Connection lost.
The RGS Sender has closed the connection. Possible
reasons include:
  • The Sender may have explicitly disconnected users
    connection. For example a user may have selected disconnect all connections from
    the Sender icon or Sender GUI or the user may have logged off.

  • Another user has connected to the Sender using the same
    username and password.

  • If user1 connected to a desktop that was not logged in and
    another user (user2) logged in, user1 connection will be disconnected.

  • If user1 was connected to a logged in desktop and the
    logged in user disconnects, user1 connection will be disconnected too.

  • The network may have been disconnected, closed, or
    temporarily disrupted.

  • The Sender service/daemon may have been stopped, restarted,
    or killed.

  • The Sender system may have been stopped/shutdown, or

  • If connecting to a Linux computer, the X Server may have
    been stopped or re-started.

  • The Sender or X Server may have experienced a

Authentication failed.
The RGS Sender has refused to allow a connection.
Possible reasons include the following:
  • The authentication credentials that user entered, such as
    domain name, user name and password, are not valid or recognized by the Sender

  • The Sender’s authentication is not configured
    appropriately. Please consult the User’s manual and README.txt for the latest
    directions and issues with respect to configuring

Directory not found or not accessible.
The directory file is not available. Possible reasons
  • The directory file name or location has been

  • The file has been moved or is no longer available.

  • The network is down or experiencing a disruption.

  • The user does not have read permission on the

User not found in directory.
The username of the current user of the HP Remote
Graphics Software Receiver is not found in the directory file. Possible reasons
  • The username entered in the directory file does not exactly
    match the real username.

  • The username of the current user is not entered in the
    directory. If the directory file is on a shared drive with restrictive
    permissions, consult an IT specialist to add the proper

Authorization failed.
The connection was authenticated, but another user is
already logged into the desktop of the Sender system. When a connection is
attempted to another user’s desktop, a dialog is displayed on the Sender desktop
asking the logged in user to allow the connection. A user is not allowed to
connect to another user’s desktop unless they are explicitly authorized. Either
the connection was not granted access, or the dialog timed-out and the
connection was implicitly denied.
Receiver License Not Found.
A license was not found for the RGS
Receiver License Invalid.
The license is invalid for the RGS
No license found for the sender you are trying to connect
A license was not found for the RGS
License Expired for the sender you are trying to connect
The license has expired for the RGS
License Invalid for the sender you are trying to connect
The license is invalid for the RGS
Setup Mode hotkey sequence too short.
The key sequence specified by the user is too
Setup Mode hotkey sequence too long.
The key sequence specified by the user is too
Setup Mode hotkey sequence may only consist of Ctrl , Alt ,
Shift and Space .
The key sequence specified by the user contains invalid
A space may only be entered after Ctrl , Alt or
Shift is pressed.
The Setup Mode hotkey sequence cannot start with a
Setup Mode hotkey sequence is invalid. The sequence has
been reset to the default.
The Setup Mode hotkey sequence specified using a property
either on the command-line or in the property configuration file is invalid, and
has been reset to the default.
Setup Mode hotkey sequence is invalid. The sequence has
been disabled.
The Setup Mode hotkey sequence specified using a property
either on the command-line or in the property configuration file is invalid, and
the property Rgreceiver.Hotkeys.IsMutable is disabled.
Therefore, hotkeys have been disabled.
Connection denied. The iLO remote console is
The iLO remote console is enabled on the HP Blade
Workstation. The Blade must be configured in User Mode before connections are
Unable to connect to Sender: The Receiver was unable to
resolve the specified hostname or IP Address. Verify that you entered the value
This is usually indicative of a DNS
Unable to connect to Sender: The Receiver resolved the
specified hostname or IP address, but cannot connect to the Sender. Verify that
the system is accessible on your network and that the Remote Graphics Sender
service has been started and is listening on a pubic IP address and is not
blocked by a firewall.
The Receiver was able to look up and resolve the
specified hostname or IP address. However, the Receiver was unable to establish
a connection to the Sender. There are several possibilities such as the Sender
is not installed, the Sender is not running, the Sender is listening on the
wrong network interface, or a firewall is blocking the



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