fedora6 멀티미디어 환경 구축 하기

6. Installing 64bit Firefox

6.1 mplayer plugin

6.2 flash 9 plugin

6.3 mms streaming play

7. KDE flags

8. KDE style in gtk apps

9. mp3 support

9.1 Using winamp skins

9.2 Tags character encoding

9.3 Add in queue mp3 when double clicked

10. Video play support

11. Use an MSN Messenger

12. Install a download manager

13. Install an IRC client

14. Install aMule

15. Install CD/DVD burning application

16. Beryl

17. Checkinstall

In Part 2 of this guide you will learn what applications do you need for your daily use and how to install them. Let’s move on!

6. Installing 64bit Firefox

I have x86_64 Fedora Core 6 so here I will describe how to get a fully functional 64bit Firefox with flash and video (mplayer) plugins.

$ sudo yum install –enablerepo=development firefox.x86_64

6.1 mplayer plugin

$ sudo yum install –enablerepo=freshrpms mplayerplug-in

$ sudo cp /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/* /usr/lib64/firefox-

6.2 Flash Plugin

$ wget http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/files/nspluginwrapper-

$ wget http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/files/nspluginwrapper-i386-

$ sudo rpm -i nspluginwrapper- nspluginwrapper-i386-

$ wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz

$ tar -xzf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz

$ cd install_flash_player_9_linux

$ sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib64/firefox-

$ nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib64/firefox-

$ nspluginwrapper –list


Original plugin: /usr/lib64/firefox-

Wrapper version string:

Restart firefox and check if the plugins have successfully installed by typing about:plugins in the address bar.

6.3 Enable mms streaming play

Type in the address bar about:configRight click with the mouse and select NEW and then STRING. Type this in the box network.protocol-handler.app.mms Click ok and in the box type the program you want to open the streaming media with, such as mplayer.

7. KDE flags

If you have a multilanguage system and you want your countrys flag to appear when you change from one language to the other download kblflags from www.kde-look.org and do something like the following (here I have installed the greek and usa flag)

$ sudo cp downloads/kbflags-1.0/21×14/gr.png /usr/share/locale/l10n/gr/flag.png

$ sudo cp downloads/kbflags-1.0/21×14/us.png /usr/share/locale/l10n/us/flag.png

8. KDE style in gtk applications

With this program you can make your qt applications look lyke they are gtk. Much better for your eyes.

$ sudo yum install gtk-engines-qt

Then go toControl Center -> Appearance & Themes -> GTK Styles and Fontsand apply what you want.

9. mp3 support

Here I will use audacious in order to play mp3 files

$ sudo yum install audacious audacious-plugins audacious-plugins-extras

9.1 Using winamp skins

If you want to use your winamp 2.x skin with audacious simply copy winamp *.wsz skin to /usr/share/audacious/Skins/

9.2 Tags character encoding

If your tags are in a different encoding than utf8 you can force audacious to use it

Preferences -> Playlist -> Metadata -> Fallback character encoding -> iso8859-7

9.3 Add in queue mp3 when double clicked

$ sudo nano /usr/share/applications/fedora-audacious.desktop

$ nano /home/axel/.local/share/applications/fedora-audacious.desktop

And change Exec=audacious to Exec=audacious -e

10. Video play support

$ sudo yum install –enablerepo=freshrpms mplayer

This should install mplayer for all kind of video reproducing as long as all the needed codecs. It also supports DVD playback.

11. Use an MSN messenger

There are several programs for this work such as gaim, amsn, kmess. Gaim and amsn can be found in the repositories.

$ sudo yum install gaim

$ sudo yum install amsn

Kmess can be installed from a tarball from www.kmess.org

12. Install a download manager

$ sudo yum intall d4x

13. Install an IRC client

$ sudo yum install xchat


$ sudo yum –enablerepo=freshrpms install kvirc

14. Install aMule

$ sudo yum –enablerepo=dries install amule

15. Install CD/DVD burning application

$ sudo yum install k3b

16. Beryl

If you want to have the cool cube you have seen in many videos around the net on your desktop just install beryl.

$ sudo yum install beryl-kde


$ sudo yum install beryl-gnome

Depending on which desktop environment you are using.

Start beryl with the following command

$ beryl-manager

If you have an nVidia card you should make some changes to your xorg.conf. Intel and ATI cards dont need any change. Modify properly your /etc/X11/xorg.conf adding the following lines.

Section “Module”

       Load  “dbe”

       Load  “extmod”

       Load  “fbdevhw”

       Load  “glx”

       Load  “record”

       Load  “freetype”

       Load  “type1”

       Load  “GLCore”

       Load  “dri”


Section “Screen”


       Option “AllowGLXWithComposite” “True”

       Option “RenderAccel” “True”

       Option “AddARGBGLXVisuals” “True”



Section “Extensions”

       Option “Composite” “Enable”


If you want to automatically start beryl on your login do the following.


$ cd /home/username/.kde/Autostart/$ nano beryl.sh

Copy these lines in it



Save it and make it executable

$ chmod +x beryl.sh

17. Checkinstall

Checkinstall is a program that allows you to easily build an rpm from a tarball. Download and install it from


Then when you want to install a tarball just type



su -c ‘/usr/sbin/checkinstall’

Answer the questions. Finally install the given rpm. Checkinstall gives you the path it has stored the rpm. Now you can easily uninstall tarballs that dont have an uninstall script. This way you can keep your system clean.

Have fun! 😉


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