CFD-Fastran Using

  1. Open the DTF file (cyl_2006.DTF) in CFD-FASTRAN-GUI and use dump script option to write out the script file (
  2. Open the script file in an ASCII editor and modify the following line from GuiSC.Set(“Iter/Cycles”, 500) to GuiSC.Set(“Iter/Cycles”, 1000). This would allow the solver to run for 1000 cycles starting from the results from the first 500 cycles. Also, you can comment out or delete all the other lines since they were not modified.
  3. Modify the name of the DTF file to cyl_2006.DTF in the last line of the script file.
  4. Run the GUI script using the following command
  • CFD-FASTRAN-GUI -script
    1. Use the following command to run the simulation:
  • CFD-FASTRAN-SOLVER -run_more -dtf cyl_2006
  • 서진우

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