[메일] mail -v 로 확인시 메세지 의미

1. stat=Deferred: Connection refused by topcat.bridgew.edu

Currently there is some problem in the destination server’s SMTP service.

2. stat=Deferred: Name server: nelsoncorp.gonelson.com: host name

lookup failure

DNS server unable to resolve the destination host name

3. stat=Deferred: Connection timed out with ostint.com.

Network connection is too slow

4. stat=Sent (OK)

The message is sent successfully

5. stat=Sent ( <>

Queued> mail for delivery)

Mail accepted from the MUA and spooled for later delivery

6. stat=Sent (Message queued)

The queued message has been sent successfuly

7. stat=Sent (Message received OK.)

Acknowledgment recieved from the reciever’s SMTP Server

8. stat=User unknown

Ofcourse the user does not exist in your system

9. stat=Sent (QAA10135 Message accepted for delivery)

Message accepted from Mail user agent e.g. OUTLOOK or Netscape mail client

to be sent to the destination address

10. stat=Deferred: mail.proconinc.com.: No route to host

The network is down temporarily

11. stat=Deferred: 452 Cannot write to message file

some permissions problem in the local system (you have to investigate if

some specific problem is coming due to this)

12. stat=Deferred: 451 4.1.8 <>…

Domain of sender address does not resolve

The sender does not have a valid and registered domain name

13. stat=Deferred: Connection reset by mail.nbc.netcom.ca.

Some fatal error occured while communicating with host

14. stat=Service unavailable

What service ????

15. stat=Deferred: 451 4.1.8 <>… Sender

domain must resolve

You must have configured it for “before reciveing mails check for the

sender’s domain authenticity”


슈퍼컴퓨팅 전문 기업 클루닉스/ 상무(기술이사)/ 정보시스템감리사/ 시스존 블로그 운영자

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