sge auto install


Change the ownership of the sge-root directory to the grid engine system administrative user.

Currently, the owner of the sge-root directory must be the grid engine system administrative user. You must change the ownership of the sge-root directory to belong to your existing administrative user.

In the following example, your administrative user is sgeadmin, and sge-root is /opt/n1ge6.

# chown -R sgeadmin /opt/n1ge6

Create a copy of the configuration template, sge-root/util/install_modules/inst_template.conf.

# cd sge-root/util/install_modules

# cp inst_template.conf  my_configuration.conf

Edit your configuration template, using the values from the worksheet you completed in Plan the Installation.

Start the installation.

In this example, the local machine is installed as a master host and an execution host. In addition, the -auto option sets up any remote hosts, as specified in the configuration file.

# cd sge-root

# ./inst_sge -m -x -auto ./util/install_modules/my_configuration.conf

A log file of the master installation is created in the sge-root/default/spool/qmaster directory. The file name is created using the format install_hostname_date_time.log.


Example 3–1 Example Configuration File


# SGE default configuration file


# Use always fully qualified pathnames, please

# SGE_ROOT Path, this is basic information

#(mandatory for qmaster and execd installation)


# SGE_QMASTER_PORT is used by qmaster for communication

# Please enter the port in this way: 1300

# Please do not this: 1300/tcp

#(mandatory for qmaster installation)


# SGE_EXECD_PORT is used by execd for communication

# Please enter the port in this way: 1300

# Please do not this: 1300/tcp

#(mandatory for qmaster installation)


# CELL_NAME, will be a dir in SGE_ROOT, contains the common dir

# Please enter only the name of the cell. No path, please

#(mandatory for qmaster and execd installation)


# ADMIN_USER, if you want to use a different admin user than the owner,

# of SGE_ROOT, you have to enter the user name, here

# Leaving this blank, the owner of the SGE_ROOT dir will be used as

admin user


# The dir, where qmaster spools this parts, which are not spooled by DB

#(mandatory for qmaster installation)


# The dir, where the execd spools (active jobs)

# This entry is needed, even if your are going to use

# berkeley db spooling. Only cluster configuration and jobs will

# be spooled in the database. The execution daemon still needs a spool

# directory  

#(mandatory for qmaster installation)


# For monitoring and accounting of jobs, every job will get

# unique GID. So you have to enter a free GID Range, which

# is assigned to each job running on a machine.

# If you want to run 100 Jobs at the same time on one host you

# have to enter a GID-Range like that: 16000-16100

#(mandatory for qmaster installation)


# If SGE is compiled with -spool-dynamic, you have to enter here, which

# spooling method should be used. (classic or berkeleydb)

#(mandatory for qmaster installation)


# Name of the Server, where the Spooling DB is running on

# if spooling methode is berkeleydb, it must be “none”, when

# using no spooling server and it must containe the servername

# if a server should be used. In case of “classic” spooling,

# can be left out


# The dir, where the DB spools

# If berkeley db spooling is used, it must contain the path to

# the spooling db. Please enter the full path. (eg. /tmp/data/spooldb)

# Remember, this directory must be local on the qmaster host or on the

# Berkeley DB Server host. No NSF mount, please


# A List of Host which should become admin hosts

# If you do not enter any host here, you have to add all of your hosts

# by hand, after the installation. The autoinstallation works without

# any entry


# A List of Host which should become submit hosts

# If you do not enter any host here, you have to add all of your hosts

# by hand, after the installation. The autoinstallation works without

# any entry


# A List of Host which should become exec hosts

# If you do not enter any host here, you have to add all of your hosts

# by hand, after the installation. The autoinstallation works without

# any entry

# (mandatory for execution host installation)


# The dir, where the execd spools (local configuration)

# If you want configure your execution daemons to spool in

# a local directory, you have to enter this directory here.

# If you do not want to configure a local execution host spool directory

# please leave this empty


# If true, the domainnames will be ignored, during the hostname resolving

# if false, the fully qualified domain name will be used for name resolving


# Shell, which should be used for remote installation (rsh/ssh)

# This is only supported, if your hosts and rshd/sshd is configured,

# not to ask for a password, or promting any message.


# Enter your default domain, if you are using /etc/hosts or NIS configuration


# If a job stops, fails, finnish, you can send a mail to this adress


# If true, the rc scripts (sgemaster, sgeexecd, sgebdb) will be added,

# to start automatically during boottime


#If this is “true” the file permissions of executables will be set to 755

#and of ordenary file to 644.  


# This option is not implemented, yet.

# When a exechost should be uninstalled, the running jobs will be rescheduled


# Enter a one of the three distributed scheduler tuning configuration sets

# (1=normal, 2=high, 3=max)


# The name of the shadow host. This host must have read/write permission

# to the qmaster spool directory

# If you want to setup a shadow host, you must enter the servername

# (mandatory for shadowhost installation)


# Remove this execution hosts in automatic mode

# (mandatory for unistallation of executions hosts)

EXEC_HOST_LIST_RM=”host2 host3 host4″

# This is a Windows specific part of the auto isntallation template

# If you going to install windows executions hosts, you have to enable the

# windows support. To do this, please set the WINDOWS_SUPPORT variable

# to “true”. (“false” is disabled)

# (mandatory for qmaster installation, by default WINDOWS_SUPPORT is

# disabled)


# Enabling the WINDOWS_SUPPORT, recommends the following parameter.

# The WIN_ADMIN_NAME will be added to the list of SGE managers.

# Without adding the WIN_ADMIN_NAME the execution host installation

# won’t install correctly.

# WIN_ADMIN_NAME is set to “Administrator” which is default on most

# Windows systems. In some cases the WIN_ADMIN_NAME can be prefixed with

# the windows domain name (eg. DOMAIN+Administrator)

# (mandatory for qmaster installation)



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