[클러스터] globus 3.95 설치 하기


작성자 : 김형진 (qanii@kisti.re.kr)

최종 수정일 : 2005-03-28

이 문서는 Globus4.0 Beta 버전인 Globus3.9.5의 설치방법과 간단한 사용 방법을 담고 있습니다.


globus 유저 생성

각각의 노드에서 :

root#groupadd -gid 504 globus

root#useradd -m -uid 504 -g globus globus

참고1. : gid와 uid값은 임의로 정하며, redhat경우 일반 유저 생성시 500번부터 순차적으로 만들어진다.

참고2. : 각각의 노드간의 uid와 gid는 꼭 일치시켜야 한다.

JDK 설치

Version : 1.4.2+

다운로드 : http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/Welcome.jsp?StoreId=22&PartDetailId=j2sdk-1.4.2_07-oth-JPR&SiteId=JSC&TransactionId=noreg


root권한으로 다음과 같은 명령어 실행한다.

root# ./j2sdk-1_4_2_07-linux-i586.bin

root# mkdir /usr/java

root# mv j2sdk1.4.2_07 /usr/java


환경변수 설정

환경 변수 설정을 위해, globus를 사용할 계정마다 다음과 같이 실행한다.

user$ cat >> ~/.bashrc

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

user$ . ~/.bashrc

Ant 설치

Version : 1.5.1+

다운로드 : http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi

참고 : Fedora Core2에서 제공하는 Ant는 사용하지 말 것.


root권한으로 다음과 같은 명령어 실행한다.

root# tar zxvf apache-ant-1.6.2-bin.tar.gz

root# cd apache-ant-1.6.2

root# mkdir /usr/java/ant

root# mv bin lib /usr/java/ant


마찬가지로, 다음과 같이 입력하여 환경변수를 설정한다.

user$ cat >> ~/.bashrc

export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/ant

export PATH=/usr/local/ant/bin:$PATH

user$ . ~/.bashrc

postgresql 설치

Version : 7.1+

다운로드 : http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/


root# rpm -ivh postgresql-libs-7.2.3-1PGDG.i386.rpm

root# rpm -ivh postgresql-7.2.3-1PGDG.i386.rpm

root# rpm -ivh postgresql-server-7.2.3-1PGDG.i386.rpm

root# rpm -ivh postgresql-jdbc-7.2.3-1PGDG.i386.rpm

참고 : 위의 예제는 OS(Redhat 7.3)와의 호환성을 위해 7.2.3을 설치한 것이다.


/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf 파일의 부분을 현제 아이피로 바꿔준다.

root# diff -Naur pg_hba.conf_orig pg_hba.conf

— pg_hba.conf_orig    Thu Mar  3 15:34:34 2005

+++ pg_hba.conf Fri Mar  4 13:52:33 2005

@@ -242,4 +242,4 @@


local      all                                          trust

-host       all    trust

+host       all    trust

/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf 에서 tcp 통신이 가능하도록 설정한다.

root# diff -Naur postgresql.conf_orig postgresql.conf

— postgresql.conf_orig    Fri Mar  4 13:58:49 2005

+++ postgresql.conf     Fri Mar  4 13:59:32 2005

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@


#      Connection Parameters


-#tcpip_socket = true

+tcpip_socket = true

#ssl = false

#max_connections = 32

Globus 설치

다운로드 : http://www-unix.globus.org/toolkit/survey/index.php?download=gt3.9.5-all-source-installer.tar.gz

설치할 디렉토리 생성

root# mkdir /usr/local/globus-3.9.5

root# chown globus:globus /usr/local/globus-3.9.5

Globus 설치

globus$ tar zxvf gt3.9.5-all-source-installer.tar.gz

globus$ cd gt3.9.5-all-source-installer

globus$ export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/usr/local/globus-3.9.5

globus$ ./configure –prefix=$GLOBUS_LOCATION

globus$ make              # 로그 파일을 만들고 싶으면 : make 2 > &1 | tee build.log

환경 설정

globus$ cat >> ~/.bashrc

export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/usr/local/gt3.9.5

. $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-user-env.sh

gridca.gridcenter.or.kr를 통해 GridCA Certification의 발급 및 설정

기본 설정 사항

기본 디렉토리 생성

/etc/디렉토리 밑에 grid-security와 grid-security/certificates 디렉토리를 만든다.

root# mkdir -p /etc/grid-security/certificates

기본 설정파일 생성

http://gridca.gridcenter.or.kr/에서 다음과 같은 Trusted CA 파일 다운로드하여 /etc/grid-security/certificates 디렉토리 안에 넣는다.



grid-cert-request configuration 파일 생성

/etc/grid-security/certificates 디렉토리 안에, 다음과 같은 내용의 globus-user-ssl.conf.f93666d2 파일을 생성한다.


# SSLeay example configuration file.

# This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.


RANDFILE                = $ENV::HOME/.rnd


[ ca ]

default_ca      = CA_default            # The default ca section


[ CA_default ]

dir             = ./demoCA              # Where everything is kept

certs           = $dir/certs            # Where the issued certs are kept

crl_dir         = $dir/crl              # Where the issued crl are kept

database        = $dir/index.txt        # database index file.

new_certs_dir   = $dir/newcerts         # default place for new certs.

certificate     = $dir/cacert.pem       # The CA certificate

serial          = $dir/serial           # The current serial number

crl             = $dir/crl.pem          # The current CRL

private_key     = $dir/private/cakey.pem# The private key

RANDFILE        = $dir/private/.rand    # private random number file

x509_extensions = x509v3_extensions     # The extentions to add to the cert

default_days    = 365                   # how long to certify for

default_crl_days= 365 # DEE 30  # how long before next CRL

default_md      = md5                   # which md to use.

preserve        = no                    # keep passed DN ordering

# A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look

# For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional

# and supplied fields are just that 🙂

policy          = policy_match

# For the CA policy

[ policy_match ]

countryName             = optional

stateOrProvinceName     = optional

organizationName        = match

organizationalUnitName  = optional

commonName              = supplied

emailAddress            = optional

# For the ‘anything’ policy

# At this point in time, you must list all acceptable ‘object’

# types.

[ policy_anything ]

countryName             = optional

stateOrProvinceName     = optional

localityName            = optional

organizationName        = optional

organizationalUnitName  = optional

commonName              = supplied

emailAddress            = optional


[ req ]

default_bits            = 1024

default_keyfile         = privkey.pem

distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name

req_extensions          = v3_req

[ req_distinguished_name ]


countryName                     = Country Name (2 letter code)

countryName_default             = KR

countryName_min                 = 2

countryName_max                 = 2

#stateOrProvinceName            = State or Province Name (full name)

#localityName                   = Locality Name (e.g., city)

0.organizationName              = Main Organization

0.organizationName_default      = Globus

0.organizationalUnitName          = Level 0 Organizational Unit

0.organizationalUnitName_default = gridcenter.or.kr

commonName                      = Name (e.g., John M. Smith)

commonName_max                  = 64

#emailAddress                   = Email Address

#emailAddress_max               = 40


[ v3_req ]

nsCertType                      = objsign,email,server,client

basicConstraints                = critical,CA:false

똑같이, /etc/grid-security/certificates 디렉토리 안에 다음 내용의 globus-host-ssl.conf.f93666d2 파일을 생성한다.


# SSLeay example configuration file.

# This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.


RANDFILE                = $ENV::HOME/.rnd


[ ca ]

default_ca      = CA_default            # The default ca section


[ CA_default ]

dir             = ./demoCA              # Where everything is kept

certs           = $dir/certs            # Where the issued certs are kept

crl_dir         = $dir/crl              # Where the issued crl are kept

database        = $dir/index.txt        # database index file.

new_certs_dir   = $dir/newcerts         # default place for new certs.

certificate     = $dir/cacert.pem       # The CA certificate

serial          = $dir/serial           # The current serial number

crl             = $dir/crl.pem          # The current CRL

private_key     = $dir/private/cakey.pem# The private key

RANDFILE        = $dir/private/.rand    # private random number file

x509_extensions = x509v3_extensions     # The extentions to add to the cert

default_days    = 365                   # how long to certify for

default_crl_days= 365 # DEE 30  # how long before next CRL

default_md      = md5                   # which md to use.

preserve        = no                    # keep passed DN ordering

# A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look

# For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional

# and supplied fields are just that 🙂

policy          = policy_match

# For the CA policy

[ policy_match ]

countryName             = optional

stateOrProvinceName     = optional

organizationName        = match

organizationalUnitName  = optional

commonName              = supplied

emailAddress            = optional

# For the ‘anything’ policy

# At this point in time, you must list all acceptable ‘object’

# types.

[ policy_anything ]

countryName             = optional

stateOrProvinceName     = optional

localityName            = optional

organizationName        = optional

organizationalUnitName  = optional

commonName              = supplied

emailAddress            = optional


[ req ]

default_bits            = 1024

default_keyfile         = privkey.pem

distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name

req_extensions          = v3_req

[ req_distinguished_name ]


countryName                     = Country Name (2 letter code)

countryName_default             = KR

countryName_min                 = 2

countryName_max                 = 2

#stateOrProvinceName            = State or Province Name (full name)

#localityName                   = Locality Name (e.g., city)

0.organizationName              = Main Organization

0.organizationName_default      = Globus

commonName                      = Name (e.g., John M. Smith)

commonName_max                  = 64

#emailAddress                   = Email Address

#emailAddress_max               = 40


[ v3_req ]

nsCertType                      = objsign,email,server,client

basicConstraints                = critical,CA:false

마지막으로, /etc/grid-security/certificates 디렉토리 안에, 다음 내용의 grid-security.conf.f93666d2 파일을 생성한다.



# File: grid-security.conf


# Purpose: This file contains the configuration information

#          for the Grid Security Infrastructure



# These values are set by globus-setup


SETUP_GSI_USER_BASE_DN=”o=Grid, o=Globus”

SETUP_GSI_CA_NAME=”KISTI Supercomputing Center CA2″




DEFAULT_GSI_USER_BASE_DN=”ou=${_domain}, c=KR, o=Globus”

DEFAULT_GSI_CA_NAME=”KISTI Supercomputing Center CA2″

DEFAULT_GSI_CA_NAME=”KISTI Supercomputing Center CA2″


# Distinguish Name (DN) of the Host


# Distinguish Name (DN) of the User


# CA Name for the organization


# CA Email address for the organization




export GSI_CA_NAME


링크 생성 : 위에서 생성한 파일들을, /etc/grid-security 디렉토리 안에, 다음과 같이 링크를 걸어 준다.

root# ln -s /etc/grid-security/certificates/globus-user-ssl.conf.f93666d2 /etc/grid-security/globus-user-ssl.conf

root# ln -s /etc/grid-security/certificates/globus-host-ssl.conf.f93666d2 /etc/grid-security/globus-host-ssl.conf

root# ln -s /etc/grid-security/certificates/grid-security.conf.f93666d2 /etc/grid-security/grid-security.conf

Host Certificates 생성

root 권한으로 다음을 입력하여 Host Certificates를 만든다.

root# grid-cert-request -host ‘solar16.gridcenter.or.kr’

생성된 /etc/grid-security/hostcert_request.pem파일을 http://gridca.gridcenter.or.kr/GridCA/ (필요시 계정 생성)의 “Upload a new CSR for a host”를 통해서 업로드 후 Cert 요청을 한다.

http://gridca.gridcenter.or.kr/GridCA/ 에서 생성된 host certificates 파일을 /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem에 저장한다.

/etc/grid-security/ 의 hostcert.pem 과 hostkey.pem파일을 각각 containercert.pem containerkey.pem으로 copy 후 globus계정으로 퍼미션을 바꿔준다.

root# pwd


root# cp hostcert.pem containercert.pem

root# cp hostkey.pem containerkey.pem

root# chown globus:globus container*

User Certificates 생성(globus계정 포함)

user$ grid-cert-request

생성된 ~/.globus/usercert_request.pem파일을 http://gridca.gridcenter.or.kr/GridCA/ 의 “Upload a new CSR for a user”를 통해서 업로드 후 Cert 요청한다.

홈페이지에서 생성된 user certificates 파일을 ~/.globus/usercert.pem에 저장한다.

certification을 다음과 같이 host에 등록한다.

user$ grid-cert-info -subject


user$ whoami


user$ su


root# grid-mapfile-add-entry -dn “/O=Grid/O=Globus/OU=KISTI/CN=s0lar16” -ln “user01”

root# cat /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile

“/O=Grid/O=Globus/OU=KISTI/CN=s0lar16” user01

GridFTP 설정(xinetd 이용)

다음 내용의 /etc/xinet.d/디렉토리 안에 gsiftp 파일을 생성한다.

service gsiftp


        disable = no

instances               = 100

socket_type             = stream

wait                    = no

user                    = root

env                     += GLOBUS_LOCATION=/usr/local/gt3.9.5

env                     += LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/gt3.9.5/lib

server                  = /usr/local/gt3.9.5/sbin/globus-gridftp-server

server_args             = -i

log_on_success          += DURATION

nice                    = 10


/etc/services 에 다음과 같은 내용 추가한다.

gsiftp          2811/tcp        gsiftp          # GridFtp

xinetd 데몬 제시작

root# chkconfig gsiftp on

root# /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

RFT 설정

postgres 페스워드 설정 및 로그인

root# passwd postgres

Changing password for user postgres.

New password:

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

root# su postgres

b. postgresql DB설정

postgres$ createdb rftDatabase

postgres$ psql -d rftDatabase -f $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/globus_wsrf_rft/rft_schema.sql

c. postgresql 시작

root# /etc/init.d/postgresql start             #(root 계정으로)


postgres$ /usr/bin/pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/pgsql/data -l /var/log/pgsql

$GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus_wsrf_rft/jndi-config.xml 파일의 “dbConfiguration” 하위에 있는 connectionString과 userName 그리고 password를 알맞게 설정한다.

globus$ cat $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus_wsrf_rft/jndi-config.xml

























설치 확인

globus$ grid-proxy-init -verify -debug

User Cert File: /home/globus/.globus/usercert.pem

User Key File: /home/globus/.globus/userkey.pem

Trusted CA Cert Dir: /etc/grid-security/certificates

Output File: /tmp/x509up_u504

Your identity: /O=Grid/O=Globus/OU=KISTI/CN=s0lar16

Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:

Creating proxy ……++++++++++++



Proxy Verify OK

Your proxy is valid until: Mon Mar  7 05:36:04 2005

globus$ globus-start-container

Starting SOAP server at:

With the following services:





PBS 설정

PBS 설치 : http://testbed.gridcenter.or.kr/kor/technical_doc/pbs/pbs-install.html 참조.

GT4에서 PBS 플러그인 설치

globus$ cd $Globus_install_dir

globus$ make gt4-gram-pbs postinstall

globus$ gpt-postinstall

globus$ cd $GLOBUS_LOCATION/setup/globus

globus$ ./setup-globus-job-manager-pbs –remote-shell=ssh

실행 예제

간단한 작업 예제

globus$ cat > simple_job.xml

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>



    <argument>this is an example_string </argument>

    <argument>Globus was here</argument>




globus$ $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin/globusrun-ws -submit -f simple_job.xml

Submitting job…Done.

Job ID: uuid:9a2326cc-8fb2-11d9-9103-0020ed62bb2b

Termination time: 03/09/2005 09:15 GMT

Current job state: Active

Current job state: CleanUp

Current job state: Done

Destroying job…Done.

PBS 작업의 예제

globus$ $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin/globusrun-ws -submit -factory-type PBS -f simple_job.xml

staging 작업 예제

globus$ cat > staging_job.xml


























globus$ $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin/globusrun-ws -submit -f staging_job.xml

stagingCredentialEndpoint 관련 애러가 날 경우

globus$ $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin/globusrun-ws -submit -staging-delegate -f staging_job.xml

Multyjob 작업 예제

globus$ cat > multyjob.xml

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<multiJob xmlns:gram=”http://www.globus.org/namespaces/2004/10/gram/job”
































        <argument>Hello World!</argument>        






globus$ $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin/globusrun-ws -submit -f multyjob.xml

WS Gram의 Sudo 설정

목적 : 요청된 특정 서비스의 실행을, 서비스 계정(본 예제에서는 Globus계정)이 아닌 다른 특정 계정으로 실행 시키고자 할 때.

예 : “/O=Grid/O=Globus/OU=KISTI/CN=s0lar16″라는 proxy로 요청된 모든 Job들은 특정 계정 test_sudo로 실행되도록 할 때.

root권한으로, 명령어 “visudo”를 이용하여 /etc/sudoers에 다음과 같은 내용을 첨가한다.

# Globus GRAM entries

globus  ALL=(test_sudo) \\

        NOPASSWD: /usr/local/globus-3.9.5/libexec/globus-gridmap-and-execute \\

        /usr/local/globus-3.9.5/libexec/globus-job-manager-script.pl *

globus  ALL=(test_sudo) \\

        NOPASSWD: /usr/local/globus-3.9.5/libexec/globus-gridmap-and-execute \\

        /usr/local/globus-3.9.5/libexec/globus-gram-local-proxy-tool *

참고 1. test_sudo가 있는 곳에 Job을 수행할 계정을 알맞게 수정한다. (예 : “을 제외한, “username01,username02” , “ALL” 등등 )

참고 2. “/usr/local/globus-3.9.5″는 $GLOBUS_LOCATION이 가리키고 있는 디렉토리로 알맞게 수정한다.

/etc/grid-security 디렉토리 안에 있는 grid-mapfile을 알맞게 고친다.

“/O=Grid/O=Globus/OU=KISTI/CN=s0lar16” test_sudo

작업 예제 : 위의 실행 예제 1번을 돌려 보자.

globus$ whoami


globus$  $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin/globusrun-ws -submit -f simple_job.xml

Submitting job…Done.

Job ID: uuid:9a2326cc-8fb2-11d9-9103-0020ed62bb2b

Termination time: 03/28/2005 23:75 GMT

Current job state: Active

Current job state: CleanUp

Current job state: Done

Destroying job…Done.

globus$ ls ~/

globus$ ls -l /home/test_sudo

-rw-r–r–    1 test_sudo    test_sudo           0 Mar 28 23:75 stderr

-rw-r–r–    1 test_sudo    test_sudo          43 Mar 28 23:75 stdout



슈퍼컴퓨팅 전문 기업 클루닉스/ 상무(기술이사)/ 정보시스템감리사/ 시스존 블로그 운영자

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