ansys workbench 실행 방법

<installation path>/v121/Framework/bin/<platform>/runwb2

이 때, platform에는 각각 Win32 / Win64 / Linux32 / Linux64와 같이 넣어주면 되며,

runwb2 뒤에 아래의 옵션에 따라 입력하시면 됩니다.

고객 문의 시 참조바랍니다.

(Help path : // ANSYS Workbench Scripting Guide // Journaling and Scripting Overview // Journaling and Scripting Capability Overview // Scripting :: 94 // Command Line Execution)




Run ANSYS Workbench in batch mode. In this mode, the user interface is not displayed and a console window is opened. The functionality of the console window is the same as the ANSYS Workbench Command Window.

-R <ANSYS Workbench script file>

Replay the specified ANSYS Workbench script file on start-up. If specified in conjunction with B, ANSYS Workbench will start in batch mode, execute the specified script, and shut down at the completion of script execution.


Run ANSYS Workbench in interactive mode. This is typically the default but if specified in conjunction with B, both the user interface and console window are opened.


Run ANSYS Workbench interactively and then exit upon completion of script execution. Typically used in conjunction with R.

-F <ANSYS Workbench project file>

Load the specified ANSYS Workbench project file on start-up.

-E <command>

Execute the specified ANSYS Workbench scripting command on start-up. You can issue multiple commands, separated with a semicolon (;), or specify this argument multiple times and the commands will be executed in order.


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