[HPC] infiniband + sge + mpich

** mvapich + sge rpm 만들기

Summary: Tight Integration of the MVAPICH library into SGE.

Name: mvapichsge

Version: 1.0

Release: 1

License: GPL

Group: mpi

BuildArch: noarch

Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz

BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot

%define _prefix         /engrid/ensge


Tight Integration of the MVAPICH library into SGE.


%setup -q




mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}

find mvapich | cpio -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}








* Mon Jul 11 2005 mmatus <mmatus@acms.arizona.edu> 1.0-1

– Initial build.


# qconf -mp mvapich


pe_name           mvapich

slots             64

user_lists        NONE

xuser_lists       NONE

start_proc_args   /engrid/ensge/mvapich/startmpi.sh -catch_rsh $pe_hostfile

stop_proc_args    /engrid/ensge/mvapich/stopmpi.sh

allocation_rule   $fill_up

control_slaves    TRUE

job_is_first_task FALSE

urgency_slots     min



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